2018 has been a year! There were triumphs and challenges, and ultimately, we learned a little bit more about ourselves throughout the course of the last 365 days. With today marking the first day of a new trip around the sun, there's no better time like the present to start fresh. We're starting with hope.

“You are entirely up to you.”
Understanding our Role in Hope
It's so easy for us to allow this deadline or that, these bills or those, or that person's wishes to take precedence over our greatest goals and desires. There's something special about the first few days of a new year that allow us to revisit these dreams without the guilt society associates with dreaming instead of adulting. There's so much hope in the air at the dawn of a new year and we're starting with that above everything else. If we are responsible for our happiness, dreams, successes, and all of their opposites, then we need to revisit what takes priority for us. This year's Mantra helps us take back the reigns. You are entirely up to you.

A Shift in #Go52(sday)
The #Go52 posts were an exercise in patience and focus, in longevity and will. They’re also reflective of life. We’ll have our moments where we shine and those where we need a break. There will be times that we thrive and others where we drop the ball, consistently - in spite of our intentions.
Moving into 2019, we're shifting to a new format. Instead of a weekly theme, each month holds a theme that encourages growth. Our #Go52sday posts will stretch and challenge you to step into your wildest dreams. Grab a journal that has at least 52 blank pages and follow us as we work through this year of hope, love, courage, creating anew, nurturing, creating, exploring, dreaming, harvesting, sharing, being grateful, and reflecting.
Let's Do This
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to join each weekly post. Use the hashtags #Go52sday & #LaunchCrate as you share your entries or thoughts within your circle. Here's the prompt for Week 1...

Start with hope. You are entirely up to you. #Go52sday
C. L. Fails