We sat down with the Founder of the LatinX Education Collaborative to chat about being a champion for others!

We're Back!

It's the first episode of Season 3!
This week we’re chatting with Edgar J. Palacios, an advocate for education, proponent for building community, and the founder of the LatinX Education Collaborative. Topics include culture fit, being a voice for those who can’t be in the room, and how small wins add up to big wins.
Together, we pen a fun story that you won’t want to miss, and our first Creation Comet activity of this season comes in with a bang. Draw along with us in, Can You Draw It! Be sure to stick around for this week’s 3-2-1, Go! Where we’re talking about how to become consistently victorious.
It’s a Victorious Voyage...
Let's go!
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Here are the links to and info on our World of Lit stories:
Michelle Obama's Memoir
Reasons to Persist
Author C. L. Fails @ National Black Book Festival in October
Podcast Subscribers (with rating) receive 20% discount on purchases at the Book Festival. Phone proof required to receive discount. Discount valid only during the 2018 National Black Book Festival.
Here's a quick video on this week's Ella Ambassador:
Contact Edgar:
Via Facebook: E Jose Palacios
Via Email: edgar@ejpkc.co
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