We sat down with an author and retired music teacher to talk about being grateful for the positive things in your life.

We're back!

It's our 9th episode of Season 2! We're chatting with author Frances Bradley Robinson, about the experiences that drive her book, seeing old things in new ways, and waterskiing with strangers in another country. Keep your ears open to find out why she feels no ways tired!
Be sure to hang around for the Planet Parable story about the boogey man and our Creation Comet activity where we explore two new categories on Name that Tune!
Plus, check out our "3,2,1 Go!" as we sail towards prosperous adventures.
Are you ready?
Let's go...
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Here are the links to and info on our World of Lit stories:
Microcosm to Self Distribute
The publisher explores alternative "underground" routes for book distribution
Publishers Experiment with New Formats
Streaming Services Offer an Alternate Route to Connect with Readers
Countdown to Launch, The Secret World of Raine the Brain
Pre-order before Monday, August 6th to be eligible to receive your swag pack!
Follow our journey on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RaineTheBrain/
Contact Frances:
Via Email: franrob@swbell.net
Share your Creation Comet Results: @LaunchCrate on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook
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