We sat down with an author & radio host to talk about the power of connection.

A Fan Favorite Returns!

ICYMI: Season 2 is here and we're eager to share our second episode with you. We're chatting with educator, author, and radio host, Tyrone Gethers, Jr., about what it means to be an unorthodox educator, and how he finds his creative muse. Keep your ears open for a special shout out to those who have inspired his journey.
Be sure to hang around for our trip to Planet Parable, where we find out what happens to Chris.
A fan favorite returns on the tails of the Creation Comet. Stick around to see what it is.
Plus, check out our "3,2,1 Go!" on the topic of Kindness.
A Listener Poll: Would you rather have a horrible job but be able to retire comfortably in 10 years or have your dream job but have to work until the day you die?
Share your answers in the comments below.
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Here are the links to and info on our World of Lit stories:
Musician QuestLove Releases a New Book!
Bestselling Author, Angie Thomas to Speak at ABC Children's Institute
Dozens of Authors Confirmed for 2018 National Book Festival
More information about the 18th Library of Congress National Book Festival
Ella Ambassador Info
Buddy Benches
Contact Tyrone:
On Facebook: The Gethers Groups
Via Email: TheGethersGroup@gmail.com
Share your Creation Comet Results: @LaunchCrate on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook
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