Happy New Year!! It's that time again. An annual renewal of sorts. An opportunity to revisit who and where we are and refocus our sights on higher heights.
As we enter 2018 here at LaunchCrate, we have done much of the same. Revisiting last year's initiatives and revamping them with a new lens. Our first rollout holds a familiar name with a slight twist.
It's our #Go52 Challenge! This year there will be two options to choose from, the regular weekly theme (a la last year), and an object should you opt to illustrate something simple. What you do with it is your choice; illustrate, write, reflect, etc. Whatever it is, make it creative! Maybe this week you create an illustration of the object and next week you pen a poem about that week's theme. All we ask is that you create something awesome to you.
Here is the first set to get you started. The theme will always be located on the left, and the object on the right.

Looking forward to seeing what you create! Remember to share it, and tag it; #Go52
Let's go 2018!