Celebrate those actively adding value to the world. Champion the advancement of all.

No, it's not time for our regularly scheduled Tuesday post, but we do have a special announcement to share. Our Manifesto reads in part, "Celebrate those actively adding value to the world...Champion the advancement of all." That's part of our call and what drives and inspires us to serve.
We love to celebrate the work that others are doing and man do we have some awesome Launch Team members that have elected to join us in spreading the message about "Ella and One Big Dream." They have volunteered their time in the name of inspiring ripples of kindness and we are grateful for their service to LaunchCrate, and belief in Ella's message.
This special post is our public, "Thank You" to each LaunchTeam member who is a living and breathing example of using whatever platform they can to share this magical story with others. We would be remiss if we didn't offer a space for them to share their magical story with you. Some have opted to remain anonymous, but each has already contributed to making this Launch Team a very special experience for everyone involved.
Without further ado, the Ella and One Big Dream Launch Team (minus our many anonymous contributors):
Barb Friedmann
Kelly C. N. Jones
Chantel Mason
Patricia Smith, School Psychologist